Nicola Connelly
Nicola brings a wealth of experience in senior finance roles to the board
Nicola has worked for ScottishPower in a variety of senior finance roles for more than 20 years and is also a Trustee Director of the SP Manweb Pension Scheme.

Currently, Nicola is Group Financial Controller of ScottishPower having recently taken up this post after eight years as Finance Director of SP Energy Networks. Nicola is also a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland and holds an MBA from the University of Strathclyde.
Nicola lives and work in Glasgow and has two children, a son at university and a teenage daughter who is still at school. Weekends involve being a hockey mum and socialising with friends and family. She likes to try and stay fit and has recently conquered her fear of water and taken up swimming.
Like many families, there are children in my family with medical issues and over the years we have benefitted from the services that various charities have provided. The service that CHAS provides, the ambitious goals we are aiming for, the passion of the whole CHAS team and knowing how much of a difference we can make to families like mine makes me feel very fortunate to have the opportunity to contribute towards the success of CHAS.