Feedback and Complaints
CHAS aims to provide a high standard of care and services across the organisation, however there are times when things can go wrong.
If they do, then we want you to talk to us so we can put things right.
We will actively listen and learn from your feedback so we can improve our service.

What to do
If you want to make a suggestion, give a compliment or have a complaint to make in any area of CHAS, the quickest way to do this is to talk to the staff responsible for that service or department at the time. Alternatively, you can complete the form below.
You do not need to wait for a response from CHAS, or indeed to make a complaint to CHAS in the first instance. You can also contact directly:
- Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS) - Making a complaint about independent healthcare services.
- Care Inspectorate (CI) - Complaints
- Scottish Fundraising Adjudication Panel - Make a complaint
If you have used any of our care services you can also give us your feedback on the Care Opinion website This is an anonymous way to tell your story. The website is public, where your feedback, and the response from CHAS can be seen by everyone.
CHAS is committed to ensuring that no one is discriminated against on grounds of race, gender, age, disability, ethnic origin or for any other reason. If you think you have been treated unfairly, please tell us in your complaint.