Family Support
We help you make memories that last forever
At CHAS we have a specialised Family Support Team who work alongside the Spiritual Care and Bereavement Team to provide person-centred, holistic and practical support. All our teams are dedicated to ensuring your social, emotional and spiritual wellbeing is looked after.

Help with practical things and emotions
We can help you with practical issues that might arise for your family and we'll be there for you and your family to talk about feelings and help with any questions you might have.
We're with you to assist you in coping with everything you're going through as a family caring for a child who is very ill.
Our friendly Family Support Team consists of Child and Family Workers, Transitions Workers, an Activities Team, a Spiritual Care and Bereavement Support Team, Social Workers and our Financial Wellbeing and Energy Advice Team.
Our Child and Family Workers and Social Workers support families across our hospices, in hospitals and in the local community.
Our specially trained staff within Family Support Team can help you in a variety of ways when you need our support. As well as carrying out initial referral assessments, our team can also provide emotional support in a one-to-one or group setting.
Transition to adult services
We can support young adults from the ages of 14 years to 21 years of age with the transition from CHAS to adult services. We support young people with life shortening conditions to get the life they want. Everything we do is personalised and based on your needs and those of your family.
We know that transitions into adult services can be difficult and stressful. Everyone’s transition looks different and has to be as individual as each person is. We will work together to focus on what matters to you and what is important for you during your transition from CHAS. For example, we could attend transition meetings at school, supporting you to get the appropriate support in adult services and linking in with adult palliative care services.
If you're supporting a young person, we know that this period of change might make you both feel anxious. We're here to help with the process, assisting and advising in the planning of the transition to adult services.
We have a lot of experience of supporting young people to transition on from CHAS. We recognise the transitions from CHAS may be happening for you at the same time as other transitions (school/ health/social work). Transitions means change and this can feel scary.
Your transition worker will work with you to look at the changes ahead and do what we can to make sure the transition feels supported and safe for you. We will:
- Liaise with other professionals
- Attend meetings around your transitions
- Ensure information such as care plans (as appropriate) are passed on to provide continuity of care
- Work as part of the wider team at CHAS to make sure your needs as a young person are being fully looked at by the teams around you
- Share the resources and information that we have to support you with your transition
Personalised support
Personalised support
We offer personalised support depending on how you need it. We will do this gradually, preparing and helping you to navigate this new journey. We know there are often changes or bumps in this journey and we will work with you throughout any changes or challenges you are going through and adjust our transition support as you need. We provide relevant and appropriate information at each stage and explain what it means to transition to adult services.
Depending on your needs, we will work flexibly and try to meet where is best for you. this might be at home, during your stays at the hospice or in your own community. Our communications with you help explain the changes clearly. We hope as you get to know us you will be able to be open and honest about any questions or concerns you have about your transition so we can make sure we can support you how you need it.
Over the years our team will work together with you and your parents or carers and other services to develop an individual transition plan and support you in the areas that mean the most to you.
Consistency of care is important so we allocate the same worker to each young person who CHAS supports, working closely with other support services to ensure the transition is as smooth as possible.
Financial wellbeing and energy service
Financial wellbeing and energy service
As well as providing round-the-clock care for their vulnerable children, many families supported by CHAS experience financial hardship due to restrictions on being unable to work and the rising cost of energy, food and fuel.
The cost of raising a seriously ill child is much higher than that of a healthy child as many of our families use specialist equipment in their homes, such as suction machines, oxygen compressors, ventilators, feeding pumps and hoists which impacts significantly on ever-increasing energy and fuel bills.
We offer vital support to families facing financial hardship across Scotland through our Financial Wellbeing and Energy Team which provides crucial advice for families who may be forced out of work to care for their children, struggling to afford regular hospital transport or suffering from food poverty.
Our dedicated team can support families with income and energy advice, to ensure they receive all entitlements through benefits, funding and concessions, applications, budgeting, energy advice, funding applications and challenging benefits decisions. Home energy visits and financial support for home improvements including replacement boilers has helped families reduce household bills and make their homes more energy efficient.
I've received a positive response regarding the benefits you helped me to apply. Your assistance with the forms and guidance throughout this process has been invaluable, and I sincerely appreciate your dedication and support.
Our children, young people and families are at the heart of everything we do. Through fun and stimulation, we aim to enhance quality of life, giving you and your family the opportunities to make precious memories that last a lifetime and have positive experiences.
Our dedicated Activities Team provide fun and enjoyable activities daily so your children, young people and families have the chance to connect and enjoy shared experiences.
Often our skilled team collaborates with specialist practitioners such as the Clown Doctors and the use of music, to offer an increased variety of support for your children and families.
During a stay at one of our hospices, the team offer a variety of activities on a daily basis and can also help with planned outings. CHAS recognises the joy and benefit music brings to children and families and this a regular activity in the hospice. Music therapy can be accessed virtually for families to enjoy in their own home and community setting.
Support for siblings
Support for siblings
Siblings are actively encouraged to participate in the day to day activities, experiences and make memories. We recognise that siblings of children with complex care needs often require additional support to help them make sense of the world around them, to recognise and understand their feelings and build resilience. Our team can offer 1:1 therapeutic support, as well as organised sibling activities that all siblings can enjoy.
Something for all the family
Something for all the family
You and your family can enjoy the soothing power of water in our hospices with access to our jacuzzi at Rachel House and hydrotherapy pool in Robin House.
Our soft play areas give your younger children a safe space to play whilst our dedicated teenage spaces provide your young adults with a comfortable place to chill.
Our skilled, dedicated volunteers offer complimentary therapies. This can be a light touch massage for your children and young people or something more specific for family members.
Reaching every family in Scotland
Reaching every family in Scotland
We recognise that accessing the hospice is not always practical for all our families. To reach every family in Scotland, we run hubs in more rural areas, which allows families to come together and access our services without having to travel far from home.
All families can enjoy the regular events that we plan, each year we host Christmas parties, one in each hospice, one in Aberdeen and one in Inverness.
As everyone is unique we support in many different ways
By collaborating with other care teams we ensure seamless support.
From the early days of diagnosis, throughout the child’s life, during bereavement and beyond, CHAS will be by your side, helping you to navigate and cope with your journey ahead.