Dying Well

Just as every child is unique, so is every death

The devastation of your child's death is unimaginable. 

At the hardest of times, we support you and your family to make decisions around your child's death, keeping what's important to you at the centre. 

A meaningful goodbye is important. Choice in place of death and good planning are helpful at this time. 

More families are choosing home as the place of death, this often requires specialist care and support 24 hours a day from CHAS and trusted partners.

A bedroom interior focussing on a rainbow light

When Aaron died we leaned on CHAS for bereavement support and advice in telling our girls and we all stayed in the Rainbow Room until the funeral.  

Being able to be where Aaron was, was everything and more. We could say our last goodbyes and know that he wasn’t alone. He was tucked in with his dinosaur duvet and hearing the nurses talk to him and play his favourite music gave us comfort.  

Rachel, Aaron's mum

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