Face-to-face fundraising

Meet our friendly fundraisers in your area

One of the ways we raise money for babies and children with life-shortening conditions and their families, is by meeting supporters face-to-face in shops, on the street or by going door-to-door.

Face to Face

Say hello

This is a great way for us to engage with people and find out what they think of us and why they support us. It's also a cost effective way of us to generate reliable income, so we can reach every family in Scotland who needs us.

We aren't currently conducting Face to Face Fundraising except from our Local Hospice Lottery. 


Face-to-face FAQs

Why do we fundraise face-to-face?

Face-to-face fundraising is an effective way of us securing the income we need to reach, and provide support to, every family in Scotland who needs us. We ask supporters to sign up to a monthly donation via direct debit or recurring debit/credit card payment, a convenient method of donating which provides a predictable long-term income we can rely on - vital when funding the care of babies and children with life-shortening conditions, and their families.

Our fundraisers also play an important role in raising awareness about our inspiring work and how we support families facing the death of their child.

When are door to door fundraisers allowed to knock on doors?

The Fundraising Regulator permits door to door fundraisers to work between 9am (10am on Sundays) and 9pm seven days a week. However, we choose to operate between 9am and 8.30pm Monday - Friday and between 9am and 5.30pm on Saturdays. We call between these times so we have the best chance of reaching more people, for example those who work during the day.

Please note, fundraisers are permitted to approach homes between 8.30pm and 9pm if they have a prior appointment agreed with the occupant.

Our agencies also advise that fundraisers take extra care when visiting households during the longer winter evenings, especially when in isolated areas, to avoid causing unnecessary anxiety to the residents. Each fundraiser will wear an ID badge with a freephone number on should you wish to check the legitimacy of the fundraiser.

How will I know they are a genuine CHAS fundraiser?

We work with specialist agencies that help us co-ordinate and carry out our campaigns. Currently these are Appco UK Ltd and REAL Fundraising Ltd.

You can check the validity of fundraisers in the following ways:

  • All fundraisers have an ID badge showing the CHAS logo, their name and photo, reference number and our registered charity number.
  • All fundraisers carry CHAS materials including a welcome pack, and thank you for listening card with our Supporter Care Team number.
  • Fundraisers will also be wearing branded CHAS clothing such as jackets in colder weather and t-shirts when it is warmer.
  • All donations are given through direct debit or recurring debit/credit card payments. Our fundraisers will not ask for, and cannot accept cash.
  • All fundraisers will be using tablets and will never ask a member of the public to write any details on a paper form.

If you have any concerns, you can check the identification ID of the fundraiser by calling CHAS on 0141 779 6180, Appco on 0800 031 9811, or REAL Fundraising on 0800 612 6078.

Are your fundraisers trained?

We are committed to maintaining high standards, and all our fundraisers receive training from a member of the CHAS team. We also provide regular refresher training, and mystery shop them to ensure they are following our agreed standards.

What are CHAS doing to protect the public?

Our fundraisers are thoroughly trained on potential vulnerability and what to do, if they believe, they are speaking to someone who may be in vulnerable circumstances. We work closely with fundraisers to make sure they are confident in knowing what to do if someone discloses a form of vulnerability. This is closely monitored both by us and the agency. We also know that some members of the public may be affected by what our fundraisers will be talking about, so we deliver training to make sure those conversations are handled sensitively and in the most positive way possible.

How old do I need to be to sign-up to a direct debit?

You need to be aged 18 or older, however we generally aim to sign people up who are over 30 who are able to commit to a long term partnership with us.

Will your fundraisers ever ask for cash donations?

No. Our fundraisers are not allowed to take cash from you. They're only permitted to ask for regular donations through a direct debit or a recurring debit/credit card payment. They also won't take one-off donations. There is now an option to sign up via contactless methods either using a QR code or SMS. This will take you to a website where you can enter direct debit details and confirm the signup.

Why am I receiving a call from 020 347 67037 or 0131 381 1073?

If you have recently signed up to make a monthly donation with one of our fundraisers, either in a shopping centre or at your home, then you may receive a call from one of these telephone numbers.

The reason for this call is to thank you for your generosity in supporting CHAS with a monthly gift, and ensure that you have had the best experience possible while speaking to our fundraisers. The caller will ask you to confirm your details to ensure we have contacted the correct person and once confirmed they will ask follow up on your experience and the details of your donation. They will not ask for your bank details or debit/credit card details.

Who regulates face-to-face fundraising?

The Fundraising Regulator is the independent regulator of charitable fundraising set up in the wake of a cross party review in 2015. All face-to-face fundraising is regulated by the Fundraising Regulator and its corresponding handbooks.

The Fundraising Regulator is responsible for ensuring organisations are following the Fundraising code of Practice, and works with charities, professional fundraising organisations and local authorities to minimise complaints and ensure high standards of fundraising are adhered to.

Find out more about the Fundraising Regulator.

What do I do if I don't want to be contacted anymore, or want to be removed from your database?

We are sorry to hear you have requested no more communication from CHAS but are very grateful for the support you have given us. You can contact us at support@chas.org.uk or on 0141 779 6180.

Find more information on our Privacy Policy and how we use data. For more information on your data rights, visit the Information Commissioner's Office.

Contact details

If you have a question which isn't answered here or have a concern, you can contact us between Monday-Friday 9am-5pm: support@chas.org.uk or 0131 444 1900