Write or update your Will for free
To register for our Will writing service, complete the short form and we'll get in touch with information on solicitor's near to you who are participating in the FREE Will Scheme.
Remember: Using the free Will writing service doesn't obligate you to leave a gift to CHAS. Your Will is yours and you're free to leave your estate to whoever you wish to benefit.

When it came to having discussions with my family about leaving gifts in my Will, we all knew what CHAS means to me. It was a very easy decision for me to leave a gift in my Will to CHAS.
National Free Wills Network
Free Wills Network is an agency who put you in touch with local solicitors to write your Will if you prefer to meet with someone face to face.
CHAS's membership of the Free Wills Network enables you to write your Will with a local solicitor, with CHAS paying a discounted rate for the writing of a simple Will. We do hope that anyone who takes advantage of this special offer would consider leaving a gift to CHAS, but you're under no obligation to do so.