HIS inspection of Robin House
We are delighted with the findings of the Health Improvement Scotland (HIS) inspection of Robin House. The report recognises our clear vision and purpose which is reflective of our strategic plan that aims to provide unwavering care to children who may die young and their families, at every step on their hardest of journeys.
We welcome the findings that a clear governance structure is in place, leadership is visible, the environment is clean and in a good state of repair and families reported that they valued the support from the hospice and its staff.
During the inspection families offered some lovely feedback:
‘They are a home from home.’
‘Just amazing.’
‘There aren’t enough facilities for families like us and I’m so grateful we have this.’
Our staff also expressed their feelings saying:
‘We genuinely care for each other and are an amazing team.’
‘The work we do with our children and families is a unique and privileged position to be in.’
This report is not solely about the care services at Robin House, it’s also about the incredible support that we receive from staff across CHAS who make it possible for us to provide dedicated palliative care services for children and families.
We are also very grateful to all our amazing volunteers who give up their precious time to support children and families. Well done to everyone.