Economic Evaluation of CHAS Services published - YHEC
An evaluation carried out by the York Health Economics Consortium (YHEC) has shown that for every £1 of statutory funding, CHAS' experienced staff, generous supporters and dedicated volunteers generate £5.12 of public value in return.
The economic benefits for the services provided by CHAS were £36.8 million for the most recent year for which full data is available (2016/17). These benefits were based on existing evidence from the literature review across the following components: NHS quality of life gains; NHS avoided healthcare resource use; avoided social care resource use; and societal productivity gains of carers being able to work.
This estimate confirms what CHAS already knows, that there are many and invaluable benefits of palliative and end of life care - primarily to the children and families themselves facing the hardest of times - but also that we provide a wider positive impact on our NHS, social care and the wider society and economy. Our ambition is to reach every family in Scotland who needs us. Our generous and dedicated supporters, with funding from and partnership working with local authorities, the NHS and the Scottish Government, will enable us to do this. As the need and demand for children's palliative and end of life care grows, so will our resolve in ensuring we continue to add value to all who we work with.