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Making a major gift

We are grateful for every penny raised and every minute volunteered to help us achieve our aims. With your generosity we can continue to provide care for dying children and their families across Scotland.

Medical equipment at Rachel House

A major gift can have a significant impact.

Over 16,700 children live with a life-shortening condition in Scotland, and that number is rising.

Whoever they are, wherever they need help, we believe that no family should face the death of their child alone.

But right now, CHAS can't be there for every family who needs help.

Whether you would like to support Rachel House or Robin House, a specific project, or allow us to use your donation where it is needed most, we will work closely with you to ensure supporting CHAS is a rewarding experience and your gift has the biggest impact.

How we might use you major gift

Our programme areas span projects within the hospices, our communities and hospitals.

  • £10,000 - Could pay for our entire activities team for a week right across Scotland
  • £5,000 - Could pay for a nursing support worker for two weeks- providing vital nursing care for a child with a life-shortening condition at one of our hospices or in their own home. Giving mum and dad a break.
  • £3,000 - Could pay for our specialist physiotherapy team for a week - helping alleviate pain and improve movement for children with life-shortening conditions.
  • £1,000 - Could pay for our Chaplain for a whole week - providing specialist emotional support to children and families, especially vital through end of life care and bereavement.

With your kindness we can continue to support children, siblings and parents - however they need it, wherever they are - in our hospices, in their homes or virtually.

Our Valued Supporters

We were delighted when Claire and Mark Urquhart became our very first Fund a Day supporters, covering the cost of CHAS services for a special day. 

"Claire and I are delighted to be able to support the CHAS pay for a day initiative. Whilst we were aware of CHAS before, our attendance at the Rocking Horse Ball last year really brought home how important the service is to all members of families who use it.

We have first-hand experience of a family friend whose son is living with a rare genetic disorder who regularly goes to Rachel House. From talking to her, it is clear that it provides a place of respite, tranquillity and support which is invaluable to the care she is able to give both her son and his elder sister."

Mark Urquhart

To find out more about becoming involved in the CHAS family and keeping the joy alive, please contact Rachel; rachelketola@chas.org.uk or call us on 07824 457 758.


Higher Rate Tax & Gift Aid

If you pay tax above the basic rate, you can claim the difference between the rate you pay and basic rate on your donation. For a 40% rate taxpayer, that means for every £1 you donate, you can claim back 25p in tax relief.

If you are a UK tax-payer simply completing a Gift Aid Declaration could enable CHAS to increase the value of your gift by an additional 25%. Please note that you must have paid income tax on the amount of Gift Aid claimed in the tax year you made your donation.

If you want to talk to someone about your own situation or find out more about our services, please get in touch: