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Mini prize draw at the Royal Highland Show

CHAS is excited to be represented at the Morris Leslie Group’s stall at The Royal Highland Show from 20-23 June where visitors will have the opportunity to enter the prize draw to win a Mini Cooper.

The Royal Highland Show is an annual event held at the showground at Ingleston, Edinburgh. It showcases the best of food, farming and rural life and it’s a great honour for CHAS to be able to open up the competition to RHS visitors.

The Morris Leslie Group's stall will be at Avenue A stand 13(A).


The draw will take place on 19 July and tickets can be bought until then.

So, if you, or anyone you know are heading to the Royal Highland Show, be sure to seek out the Morris Leslie Group stand and get your Prize Draw tickets!

Alternatively, you can buy tickets online www.jumblebee.co.uk/winaminicooper

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